First, there are three games: Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, and Dragon Age: Inquisition. I should probably just give a brief background before I dive into this list. While there are many other games with romance integrated into gameplay, not many go as in-depth into characterization as Bioware (the studio that produced the Dragon Age and Mass Effect games), and I think that’s what makes playing Dragon Age so enjoyable. Why did no one tell me romancing was a game mechanic? You mean the choices I make as the playable character could affect another character’s feelings toward me? You mean Dragon Age is essentially a dating sim with darkspawn? The real reason I love Dragon Age is romance. I could list all the myriad reasons why this series (and the Mass Effect trilogy) opened my eyes and changed my mind about just what videogames could be, what stories they could tell, and how, but no. Granted, I don’t play many videogames at all, but of the few I have played, I love Dragon Age the best. Dragon Age is probably my favorite videogame franchise.